Expert Opinion: How consuming fish improves heart health
Our co-founder Shailesh Patel wrote an article on Onlymyhealth in which he shared insights on how fish can lower the risk of heart disease. Here is what the article touched on.
In 2022, 32,457 people died from heart attacks in India and millions suffer from heart diseases. It is important to think of the preventive measures that you can take to maintain a healthy heart. One of the best solutions is a dietary one and it is to include fish in your diet.
Fatty fish are packed with Omega 3 Fatty Acids that have multiple benefits for your heart.
The Unsung Hero: Omega 3 Fatty Acids
Omega 3 fatty acids are nutrients that the human body cannot produce on its own but it is still essential for good health. However, it is present in fish like salmon, mackerel, sardines, and tuna. That’s why it is important to include them in your diet.
Omega 3s help combat inflammation and they reduce triglycerides. This is how they reduce the risk of heart disease and that is why you must eat fish at least once a week.
For years, scientific research has shown that fish is healthy for heart health. It regulates heart rhythms, and decreases the risk of arrhythmias, strokes, and heart attacks. For people who are worried about their cardiovascular health, adding fish to their diet is important.

Lowers Bad Cholesterol
Consuming fish helps improve cholesterol profiles. The omega-3s in fish increase high-density lipoprotein (HDL) which is also known as “good cholesterol”. This plays an important role in removing excess cholesterol from the body.
Fish also helps lower low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which is also referred to as “bad cholesterol”. Research says that LDL contributes to plaque formation in the arteries. This reduces the blood flow and causes cardiovascular problems.
Maintaining a cholesterol balance is critical for heart health and the nutrients in fish helps achieve this feat naturally.
Regulating Blood Pressure
One of the biggest signs of heart disease is abnormal blood pressure. Consuming fish can help you in managing your blood pressure. Fish contains nutrients like potassium and magnesium which support normal blood vessel function. All the nutrients combined create an extremely healthy environment for your heart. How to Add Fish in Your Diet
According to multiple US government sources like the National Institute of Health, you should consume two servings of fatty fish per week. While fish is healthy for the heart, you need to know how to incorporate it into your diet. If you fry your fish with unhealthy oil, then it will harm you instead of benefiting you.
It is critical to prepare fish in a healthy way, like baking, grilling, or steaming.
While fish is healthy for your heart, you need to ensure that you get it from good sources.
Most of the suppliers in the market provide frozen fish and that’s why customers get fish without its original nutritional value. Choosing fresh fish from a reliable source can ensure that you get maximum nutrients and benefits.
Adding fish into your diet is not only a practical choice but it can also be beneficial for your taste buds. It reduces inflammation, bad cholesterol, and regulates blood pressure, the benefits are high and backed by scientific research.
Why worry about your heart health in the future when you can take preventive measures in the present. Fish is one power packed food that not only protects your cardiovascular system but also has multiple other health benefits.